Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Art of Failing

OK! This is a blog filled with shame...I have been putting this blog off for some time because I was ashamed to admit that I did not complete my letter writing challenge. I know...shocking. I have several letters written and unsent, letters halfway written waiting to be completed, and letters that are just wonderful thoughts that never made it to the paper. I LOVED writing the letters, but there is a reason why people call or text, and why the beautiful art of letter writing falls to the wayside, and that is because life gets in the way. Although this challenge has been busted, there were great points in this challenge that will not be forgotten, and i will still attempt to continue the process on occasion. I received some of the BEST letters back, that brightened my day and have warmed my heart. Sometimes, there is just no better way to communicate. Love, (and I assume Shakespeare would agree) is best captured in words, and those words fill our hearts like blood fills our veins. We need them to live.

Now, I haven't always been good at the art of failing. As most of us would, I ignore the fact that I have failed at something and pretend it wasn't there. As I was thinking about this blog, I told myself that life would not be what it was without failing. I don't think many of us would be the people we are today without it. The best thing that you could do when you have failed, is learn from the failure and grow from it. My failure with the letters, has made me aware that maybe my goal setting was a bit too high, especially when there were so many events this summer. My passion of photography fortunately allows me to share with you, just some of the reasons why I failed this summer. However, as you will see, my failure with letters was also a gift of life!



  1. You are so talented! Love you lots!!!! P.S. Blaire is in need of some new pics!!! -Misti

  2. I will take pictures of her any day!! Love you girl!
